

Panorama of Milwaukee © Henryk Sadura


A Personal (Green) History


  • Joined the Milwaukee river cleanup in 1971 for the 2nd earth day, proudly donning the title of “river rat”
  • Watched my parents call in favors to get the car filled up during the oil embargo. Enduring fears of being homebound, I knew that if I might miss ballet, this was serious.
  • Lived with an alternative energy pioneer (my father).  Got to go in to school late for his appearance on the Today Show as the original inventor of the inverter that converts wind (solar, etc) power from DC to AC and runs it back to the power lines.


  • Learned to make whole wheat bread in my first apartment’s tiny kitchen.
  • As a newlywed, started my first kitchen garden in the flower beds of our rented flat (after carefully testing for lead)


  • Presaging today’s fear of plastics, searched for glass baby bottles
  • Joined my first CSA (subscription farm)—wonderful food, healthy and EASY!
  • Added a second CSA, more items from local farmers & a few buying clubs


  • Managed a career (IT Director), a family and natural living.  My kids count their veggies and turn off lights (more than half of the time).  We all wear sweaters and use flow restricting shower heads.
  • Discovered that other people were interested in what I had learned about living naturally (Can we do coffee?)


  • Started a food blog.  If I can eat and share wonderful local food, there will always be something good happening!

Contact us at:  artofnaturalliving at live.com


One thought on “About

  1. Barbara O'Brien

    Dear Art of Natural Living,

    I just have a quick question for you but couldn’t find an email so had to resort to this. I am an environmental blogger. Please email me back at [email protected] when you get a chance. Thanks.

