Amber Necklace Review and Giveaway

Recently I got an offer to do a review and giveaway from a small company called Spark of Amber.  I was excited–I love supporting small businesses—and the Amber necklace they sent me is beautiful!  Amber Necklace

Amber is a fossilized tree resin that has been prized since prehistoric times for its depth and beauty. It is used in jewelry and decorative items and was once even treated as currency in trade. My grandparents came from Denmark where amber is well-loved, and I grew up admiring my mother’s amber jewelry, and often giving amber gifts.

Amber even had its 15 minutes of (big) fame in the movie Jurassic Park where  scientists extracted dinosaur DNA preserved in amber, then cloned it to create dinosaurs.     Amber Necklace

Although I was already familiar with amber, this amber necklace held some surprises for me.  Each bead was uniquely beautiful and the colors were distinct and varied!  (And yes, I did peer into a few beads to see if I could see fossils.)  I had picked out a multi-color necklace since I wear a lot of warm tones, and was impressed with how great it looks with plain white as well.  And I could easily see how someone might want an additional amber necklace or two in other colors as well (alright, I do).

Amber Necklace

Photo courtesy of Spark of Amber

 The other surprising thing I learned researching this is that amber has been valued in both folk medicine and alternative medicine circles.  Some people feel that the oils in the necklace are anti-inflammatory—hmm, I have a sore “book-bag” shoulder right now… Amber Necklace

The company has been in business since 2013.  Owner Julie says, “A mom of three, I was introduced to Baltic Amber through a friend while looking for a necklace for my youngest daughter. I was captivated by the beauty of Baltic Amber. Once I started looking, I was hooked.”  

Spark of Amber Logo

Spark of Amber sources the finest amber from Lithuania and the Baltic region. They offer a variety of styles, free shipping and do custom work. Yes, I think I’m going back for a Mother’s Day bracelet next year!  

And now for the giveaway for one Baltic Amber RAW Necklace, Adult Size 17″ length (for adult use only), sponsored by Spark of Amber.  It is open to mailing addresses in the US and closes on May 29 at midnight CDT.  To enter, check out their website and leave a comment letting me know which color (Rainbow, Sunny Day or  Campfire) you like best (though another color may substituted based on availability). For a second entry, follow Art of Natural Living on Pinterest and leave a second comment below letting me know you are a follower. The winner will be picked randomly, contacted by email and have 24 hours to get back to me with mailing information or a new winner will be chosen. 

175 thoughts on “Amber Necklace Review and Giveaway

  1. Jerry Marquardt

    I like the would be most excited to watch Bubble Guppies: Super Guppies. design the most of all of the fine designs on the Amber website.

  2. Dianna Thomas Davis

    I am following ––as –– Thank you so much for a chance

  3. Dianna Thomas Davis

    I love the campfire— in any size adult perfered

  4. Nancy

    They have many pretty items. My favorite is the Rainbow necklace because I like the varied color beads.

  5. Anne Perry

    I love the 20-21″ Baltic Amber RAW Necklace Adult Longer Length — The Campfire Round Beads.

  6. crystal frey

    my favorite is the sunny days. the color is so brite and prettty. wearing that would make you feel happy just with the color.

  7. Elicia P

    I like Campfire in colors (thank you by the way. I was thinking of getting a teething necklace for my 10 month old and no idea where to look!)

  8. Lauryn R

    My favorite color is the Campfire! My daughter is 3 and has worn her Baltic amber teething necklace since she was 3 months old. 🙂 I would love to try one myself!

  9. Sandy Bonesteel

    I would love the Campfire necklace. I’ve loved amber since the 90’s. The scent of Amber resin is amazing.

  10. Jennifer M.

    I love the Luxury Polished Baltic Amber Necklace “Lemon Leaves”! Of the choices, I would pick the Sunny Days!

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