Garlic Roasted Beets
Did you hear the announcement that we (in the northern hemisphere) are halfway through meteorological winter? It sure made me feel better! Until I started to worry about the piles of beets stacked up in the basement refrigerator. Beets are high in antioxidants and folate–it wouldn’t do to let them spoil. And so I made Garlic Roasted Beets.
My sister must have been thinking along the same lines. She reminded me of this recipe which we had eaten at our buying club (a group of people who get together to buy wholesale) dinner. Yes great recipes are a fringe benefit of hanging out with natural foodies!
This recipe is not the fanciest looking dish you’ll ever serve (I almost wondered if it was pretty enough to blog about), but it is simple, healthful and delicious–and it makes a nice dent in a store of CSA beets. Yes, olive oil and a bulb of roasted garlic have amazing transformative powers! It also reheats beautifully–should you need to finish your kids’ share the next day ;-).
And f you’re not a garlic fan, you might instead consider these Citrus And Honey Roasted Beets! Take that basement beets!
Just a word to the wise before you begin. All over the internet you will read about how easy it is to slip beet skins off after roasting. Do not believe this. While it is relatively easy, some beets peel great, and others you need to go after with a knife. I’d hate for anyone to get a complex from a healthy recipe! Any peeling doubts, see this thread on CHOW.
Now does anyone have an awesome idea for basement turnips?

Garlic Roasted Beets
- 1/2 quart of beets 1 - 1 /2 lbs
- 1 bulb garlic
- 2 T extra virgin olive oil + extra 1 1/2 T for roasting
- 1 T good vinegar e.g. balsamic, red wine
- 1/2 t salt
- 1/4 t pepper
- Wash beets and toss in 1 T olive oil. Place in roasting pan and set in 400 F oven.
- Slice the stem end off a bulb of garlic. Drizzle the cut end with 1/2 T olive oil and wrap the bulb in aluminum foil. After the beets have been in the oven for 1/2 hour, add the wrapped garlic to the roasting pan.
- When beets are tender (about 1 hour), remove them and the garlic from the oven. When beets are just cool enough to handle, peel, then dice them and set aside.
- Squeeze the garlic from the bulb and put in a small bowl. Mash thoroughly with a fork (see note), then add 2 T olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper, mixing well.
- Combine diced beets and garlic mixture and serve hot or cold. Garnish with a sprig of fresh herbs if desired.
- Post Holiday Natural Soapmaking
- Cod Poached in Herb Butter
Wonderful recipe thanks. I never liked beets but I picked some up at the store on sale and thought I would give them another shot mainly for the health benefits. Anyway I made the garlic roasted beets and loved them. I will be picking up some more beets for sure thanks to your recipe. My motto is you can never use too much garlic so this dish was a perfect compliment to our salmon dinner. Thanks again!
We say the same about garlic here Brian! Glad you enjoyed!
Hi Inger, I love garlic. I love beets. Just made this. YUM!! I smooshed the garlic in a cast iron pan, then added the rest. Turned up the pan to low/medium high and tossed the beets constantly. When they had carmalized nicely, I transferred the beets to a low bowl. To the pan I added a couple pats of butter and a couple more splashes of basalmic vinegar. Cooked it down on medium high heat until it was a thick syrup and poured that over what was left of the beets. I nibbled a bit while waiting for reduction, I must admit.
So happy you enjoyed this Gene! And it’s a good reminder to me to make this again with all the CSA beets! I’ll have to try it with your balsamic reduction–thanks for sharing!
I am a believer that roasting any type of veg turns it into glistening caramelized
bliss. Beets are a tough veg in our house but roasting has in fact, helped those of out who would otherwise not choose them.
I love roasted vegetables too Tammy–especially the winter vegetables like parsnips and turnips and beets. If you are still struggling with the beets, you might consider my candied beet chips ( which are a unique way to make beets disappear.
the flavour of roasted garlic is nice! this is certainly blog worthy, inger!
I love roasted garlic too Lena. It is amazing how it transforms from kind of sharp to mellow when you roast it (though I do like it raw too)!
Inger, This recipe looks mouthwatering and luscious! I love beets…a perfect way to serve them!
Thanks Kathy. You’ve certainly been producing some great looking food lately. Can’t wait to try some of the recipes once things settle down here (middle daughter left for a semester abroad this week).
Hi Inger!
Never would I think to mix garlic and beets. I’m not sure why but it just never occurred to me. See what happens when you “hang out” with a natural foodie, lol Now, I’m wondering if you have ever made beet cake???
As for those turnips, I’m sure you have come up with something by now. Can’t wait until you share, lol…
Thanks for sharing, Inger…
Way to make garlic and veges even more delicious!
Choc Chip Uru
This looks yummy! I think you just reminded me why I shouldn’t sign up for a CSA again this year though. 😉
Oh dear! Well, in my 20 years of membership, I don’t think I’ve ever used ALL the beets. But leftovers do come in handy for dying Easter eggs!
Yum. I flavor almost everything with garlic.
Yes, life is better with garlic, isn’t it!