Beessential Natural Products Giveaway

It’s been a tough winter. Although we avoided the polar vortex of last year, watching Boston get buried (weekly) has made me feel like crawling under a pile of down comforters.

And my lips have been chapped. This. Entire. Winter. Okay, first world problems… But it sure made me feel better when I got a beautiful “care package” from Beesential. They are even letting me share a Beesential Natural Products Giveaway with you. Could you use a pick me up too? 

Beesential Giveaway

Beesential Giveaway

As regular readers can attest, I am a stickler for natural bodycare products. Put something on my skin that contains phthalates? Not a chance. Yup my kids are really tired of me walking around saying “what goes on, you goes in you” and depositing unapproved products in the trash. 

Beessential Natural Lip Balms

Beessential Natural Lip Balms

But they get excited too when I bring out “the good stuff.” Like when I commented that the Beesential natural lip balm in Lemon Lavender smelled just like my Lemon Lavender Cupcakes. My youngest snatched it from my hands , sniffed it suspiciously, then put some on, saying, “Why do you have this?”

“I get to do a review on my blog…”

She narrowed her eyes, “But do yooouuuu have to review it?”  So I handed over the cap.

“This is creamier than what you got me for Christmas. “

Yup, this natural lip balm passed with flying colors. Not surprising since it was awarded the best lip balm by Total Beauty for three-years running! And it gave me an excuse to try the Orange Ginger lip balm which was sweet and citrusy and made me think of sunshine. 

Award Winning Beesential Lemon Lavender Lip Balm

Award Winning Beesential Lemon Lavender Lip Balm

The package also contained bar soap, lotion, body wash, and foaming soap.  I loved all the products, but especially the body wash. A good body wash has to meet a lot of tough requirements to satisfy me.  It must be thick enough not to spill down the drain in the shower, lather well, be nicely scented with essential oils and have an ingredient list that I understand (or which can pass the Environmental Working Group ingredient test). There aren’t a lot of all natural products that meet all these criteria! Okay I was also crazy about the lotion since my skin is almost as dry as my lips (and I loved the addition of bergamot to the lavender scent).  And you can’t beat a foaming soap to please kids…


Loving lavender

Beessential is a family run business that began when they let a co-worker put a beehive on the family farm. They tell us:

“It began with a single hive. We found beekeeping fascinating, and we liked the free honey. Then one day, just minding our own beeswax, it suddenly dawned on us that we wanted to created products based on our own bee by-products and other natural ingredients. That’s the Beecology story, pretty much. We’re not a conglomerate masquerading as a cute mom and pop operation. We’re just a few folks who enjoy sharing these natural products with people, whom we love almost as much as we love bees.”  beessential-logo

And now the Beessential Natural Products Giveaway…

This is sponsored by Beessential and includes a foaming soap, bar soap, body wash, lotion, and lip balm–all in lavender. It is open to US and Canadian mailing addresses and closes at midnight CDT on March 1, 2015.  To enter, leave a comment letting me know your biggest winter healthy living challenge.  For a second entry, like Art of Natural Living on Facebook and leave a second comment (or leave a second comment telling me you are already a follower).  The winner will be picked randomly, contacted by email and have 24 hours to get back to me with confirming information or a new winner will be chosen.

Stay warm!

181 thoughts on “Beessential Natural Products Giveaway

  1. claire

    My biggest winter healthy living challenge is getting enough water and staying hydrated with the change in the air.

  2. Linda

    It’s a challenge to keep my hands and face moisturized. My other big healthy living challenge in the winter is the urge to eat comfort foods, which tend to be high in fat 🙁

  3. Rene Chartier

    I live in a ski resort at 7,000 feet altitude. Because of the wind and heavy snow it’s important to protect your face and lips. I of course cover my face as much as possible but the wind can be drying and irritate your face. I use a special moisturizer and chapstick on my lips but it remains a challenge.It is a beautiful area as long as you take the necessary precautions. I would love to try this product line.

  4. Alison

    My biggest challenge is getting up the energy to work out. Between my depression which flares up in the winter and my fibromyalgia pain which gets worse when it’s cold out, it’s hard for me to keep up but I know I’ll feel worse if I don’t!

  5. Jennifer Herman

    My biggest winter healthy living challenge is having eczema and managing it during the winter when my skin gets really dry and chapped.

  6. John Herman

    My biggest winter healthy living challenge is getting enough water and staying hydrated with the change in the air.

  7. Tammy Woodall

    One of the biggest challenges I deal with in the winter is trying to get rid of my Alligator skin. I use moisturizers and lip Balm all day and I still feel like my skin will crack.

  8. Fiona N

    My biggest challenge this winter has been dry hands. They crack and bleed everyday

  9. tree

    my biggest challenge is the dryness. It affects my sinuses, my skin, my hair and lips. 😛 We run a humidifier, but the whole family still deals with winter dryness.

  10. Darlene Owen

    My biggest challenge is keeping my husband safe as he has had to get up on our house roof over and over again with all of our snow this year.

  11. Connie

    My biggest winter healthy living challenge is remembering to drink enough water. It seems easier during the warm months because I’ll get thirsty and drink some nice, refreshing, chilled, filtered water. However, because our filtered water comes out chilled, I don’t want it to chill me during the winter 🙂

  12. Nancy

    My biggest winter healthy living challenge is finding enough healthy fresh fruits and vegetables.

  13. Brenda Witherspoon-Bedard

    Ours is finding good and tasty fruits and veggies in the winter time. It is really hit or miss. A store may have some one week but we go back the following week and nothing. Thanks for the chance to win

  14. jennifer

    My biggest winter challenge has been to hydrate more, my skin is so dry! 🙁 Infusing water with lime and cucumber has helped 🙂

  15. lissa crane

    My biggest challenge is definitely dry skin! Since I wash my hands often, they tend to crack and bleed in the winter. I am always putting lotion on and it just never seems like enough!

  16. Michelle Tucker

    My biggest living healthy challenge during the winter is getting out and walking. I am unable to do much other exercise, so I miss out a lot during the winter months.

  17. Birdiebee

    My biggest winter healthy living challenge is trying to keep my skin and lips from drying out so bad that my skin cracks and bleeds.

  18. Stephanie LaPlante

    My biggest winter healthy living challenge is getting enough Vitamin D without the sunshine!

  19. Rhonda

    My biggest healthy winter weather challenge is to continue exercising when I don’t want to get out of bed. This year, I made a point of scheduling a walk three days a week with a freind at a mall that is several miles away. I have been able to keep my pledge and I have lost 10 pouinds!!

  20. G

    My biggest challenge that is also very annoying is due to the dry winter air…..dry skin, dry chapped lips, dry nose, everything needs more moisture and I find many of the natural products I have tried just don’t work as well as the other stuff so in the winter despite wanting to use good natural stuff I find myself using Whatver works best for my lips and skin. So, Im VERY interested in these….especially hearing about the Chapstick winning the best of award three years…. I’d really like to try these products as I’d love to be able to replace my current winter products with healthier natural ones that actually work. Thanks for the chance to win.

  21. Sherri

    My sinuses get so dry that I get nosebleeds all winter long. Nothing I have found so far helps…

  22. OzarksUSA

    I struggle with dry skin in the winter. Surprisingly, I don’t have a problem with not drinking enough water, I think it’s just the dry air.

  23. T Freddy

    My biggest challenge is the lack of sunshine during the winter. My body needs the vitamin D and so I have to look to other ways of synthesizing it without supplements.

  24. Birdiebee

    My biggest winter healthy living challenge is keeping my skin and hair from drying out. I work on it everyday and it is still a challenge because of the dry air where I live.

  25. Marija

    My biggest winter healthy living challenge is exercising regularly. I love to be outside, but it’s tough when the mercury never even reaches zero some days.

  26. Angela P.

    My biggest Winter health challenge is finding fruits and veggies that are grown locally. This is extremely difficult because I’m from NJ. I try to get produce that comes from as close to me as I can to try to reduce my carbon footprint. Also.. my other health/beauty challenge is extremely dry skin and chapped lips. Thank goodness for coconut oil!

  27. Louanne Baelde

    My biggest challenge in the winter time is the dry skin all over my body from all the extra indoor heating and very hot baths.

  28. Melissa Mazzur

    My biggest challenge is getting holed up inside with all the snow. We tend to fill ourselved with comfort food, get no exercise and my skin dries out!

  29. Montanna Sutherland

    My biggest winter challenge is keeping my Skin moisturized since I have psoriasis.

  30. Stephanie Phelps

    My biggest challenge in the winter is keeping my skin moist. It always gets so dry and itchy!

  31. Nicole Michelle

    My biggest winter healthy living challenge is keeping my lips from getting chapped! And I also don’t have a car and I’m still trying to eat healthy, so it’s a battle to not just get some thing cheap, quick, and easy on my way home. I still make the effort to select healthy foods!

  32. Rennie D

    My biggest winter healthy living challenge is the cost of healthy fresh fruits and veggies. Organic grapes are no where in site and when i do find them they are old and moldy and cost about 8 bucks a pound. I also wanted to buy a fresh cauliflower and the price was outrageous and don’t get me started on an organic red bell pepper!!

  33. Amy Lovell

    My biggest winter healthy challenge is trying to get enough activity, when sometimes I am so unmotivated due to the extreme cold

  34. roger simmons

    My biggest winter problem is 4 things. Dry Sinuses, Hard Breathing in cold weather, dry itchy skin and maintaining a routine to stay healthy with excercise

  35. ksceviour

    My biggest winter healthy living challenge is getting out to walk,when it is freezing cold.

  36. Sara Rai

    My deepest hated towards winter is the cold weather. I can’t stand it. a bit of cold air makes me wanting to cough. It got better, but still a spring weather is easier to handle:). My lips get dried too.

  37. Tiffany M

    My biggest winter challenge is my combination skin acting up- luckily, extra virgin coconut oil works wonders!

  38. sonya

    hardest challenge of winter is keeping my skin hydrated. my skin is so dry. all I want to do after a shower is grab a towel and jump into some warm clothes. when I take my clothes off my skin is all flaky. I’m trying to remind myself each day to put moisturizer on my face and the rest of my body.

  39. Melissa Greco

    I get really dehydrated in the winter, so I’ve started drinking a glass of water every water or so and moisturizing my skin.

  40. Samantha Turnbull

    my biggest problem is my severely chapped lips, they are so bad in the winter they constantly peel and using normal lip balms with bad chemicals just make things worse so i only use all natural beeswax lip balms.

  41. Neha Kaul

    I’m a big outdoor-activity kind of person so winter downpours mean exercising in fresh air is curbed to a great degree.

  42. Wehaf

    My biggest healthy living challenge in the winter is getting enough exercise. I just want to bundle up on the couch and read a book!

  43. Kelly Oliver

    my biggest winter health challenge is that it’s too cold to take my dog on long walks, so we’re cramped inside all the time.

  44. Pingback: Natural Lavender Soaps, Lotion and Lip Balm Giveaway - Giveaway Promote

  45. Vesper Meikle

    One challenge is digging out all the snow, another is to stop my skin from drying out

  46. Laura W

    This has been a dry winter, but usually our winters are extremely wet. Staying dry is my biggest winter challenge!

  47. Heather D.

    My biggest challenge is the cold. In the winter I find it harder to stay motivated to workout everyday especially since I prefer to workout outside.

  48. Erin F

    My most consistent, biggest winter challenge is the skin on my hands drying out and cracking.

  49. Madonna

    My biggest winter health woe is the cold.I have severe arthritis so winter makes the pain so much worse and I just hate moving at all.

  50. Kristie

    Like you on Facebook. Kristie Morrison Donelson. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

  51. Kristie

    I have three biggest winter healthy living challenges. Two are severe dry skin and chapped lips. The other challenge is exercise. Walking is so difficult in the extreme cold. Sigh. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

  52. Maureen

    I have been a happy follower of your blog on Facebook for some time. I really enjoy seeing what is current at Art of Natural Living! Thanks

  53. Maureen

    My biggest winter healthy living challenge is keeping my skin soft and smooth instead of dry. I live in Florida and we have major temperature swings which is terrible for my skin. For example, this week alone it was below freezing (50 high/28 low) for two nights and then it was 80 degrees two days later.

  54. Heidi S.

    My biggest healthy living challenge during the winter is my skin. Trying to keep my dry skin moisturized is my biggest challenge.

  55. Alicia Boarts

    My biggest winter challenge is dry skin. I wash my hands constantly and use lots of hand sanitizer as a nurse. My hands are dry and cracked all winter

  56. Vicki Geslak

    My skin and my sinuses get so dry, sometimes painfully so. Also, I tend to gain weight because I love to bake during the winter.

  57. Lisa @ Lisa Living Well

    I challenge myself to get enough Vitamin D by sitting by windows on breaks at work. If I don’t get enough sunshine (or take Vitamin D in pill form), I get tired every single night during the winter.

    I hear you on the chapped lips too! I like to exfoliate mine once in a while and that seems to help.

  58. Patricia C.

    During the winter, i find it very challenging to motivate myself to work out or find work outs that are enjoyable

  59. Maryann D.

    My biggest winter healthy living challenge is keeping my skin from drying out and the cold is horrible for my hands and feet since I have Raynauds. I need warmth.

  60. Vera Khule

    My biggest winter health challenge is getting enough time outdoors. There has been so much snow this year it’s dangerous to just go for a walk.

  61. Miss Bee

    What a wonderful company! My biggest issue is dry skin and dry lips… well just dryness. It is hard to find a product that is gentle and does the job.

  62. ginger

    My biggest thing in the winter is not drinking enough water! I mean who feels like drinking cold water when its already cold out? 🙂

  63. Vunda V

    i do a bad job of moisturizing in the winter. I feel fine when I get out of the shower but then a few hours later i’m super dry and crackled, but no where near any lotion!

  64. jenn b

    my biggest challenge this winter has been dry lips, hands, and feet. I’m outside frequently for work and no matter what I slather on them, they still get chapped. It’s an endless source of frustration for me this time of year.

  65. Kelly O

    My biggest winter healthy living challenge is finding veggies that don’t cost 5 times what they do in the summer. I have a big garden, so during the summer I know that my family will have healthy, organic veggies and fruit. During the winter, once our canned foods are gone, then we have to deal with the local store (we live in the sticks) It can be really hard to find good produce, that doesn’t cost a fortune. My other big winter issue is the dryness. My entire family is struggling with dry lips, skin and frizzy/fly away hair.

  66. Tamra Phelps

    Our biggest challenge Winter or any other season is my Mom’s use of oxygen. She has to use it, but it dries out her nose & she needs to find something she can use on that.

  67. Trisha

    My sinuses get so dry and stuffed up in the winter. My remedy: eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils. Does the job every time!

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