Ad-Libbing All Natural Easter Eggs

Easter is… in TWO DAYS. Eeeck! 

Life has been seriously out of control lately. Everything I own seems to be giving out–furnace replaced two weeks ago, laptop replaced last week (still working on that transition), website host changed this week, and stove waiting for the repairman. I could go on, but I know you really didn’t come to hear a grown woman whine! 

Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs

Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs

And that is how I decided that this would be the year my kids were officially too old for Easter baskets.  No time for last year’s organic homemade peeps, gummy bunnies and peanut butter cups. But when we headed north and I forgot the Easter Egg supplies, I knew I could have a riot on my hands. No Easter eggs would mean… no Easter Egg Hunt!

I would have to figure something out. 

completely homemade Easter basket

Last year’s completely homemade Easter basket

Normally, I dye my eggs using vegetables left from the prior year’s CSA (plus turmeric). But with no cabbage and beets on hand???  

Off to the cupboard. There I found canned red cabbage, pickled beets (homemade), and homemade black currant jam. Hey, I’m game to experiment–you never know where the next great all natural Easter Egg dye might come from! 

All Natural Easter Eggs

All Natural Easter Eggs

Here is the process:

How to Dye All Natural Easter Eggs


  • 1 large beet or equivalent in pickled beets (makes pink/red)
  • 1 wedge red cabbage  OR 1/4 c black currant jam (makes blue)
  • 1/2 t turmeric (makes yellow)
  • water (about 3/4 cup per color)
  • vinegar (1 T per color)
  • hard cooked eggs


  1. Chop and measure your vegetables (or herbs or other natural colorant). Transfer each to a saucepan, cover with water and boil lightly for ~ 15 minutes.  boil-easter-egg-dye
  2. Let cool, then strain into dipping containers such as a coffee cups.  If there is sediment, consider straining through a paper towel. Add 1 T white vinegar to each dipping container.  easter-egg-dye-in-cups
  3. Set a hard cooked eggs into dye and let sit until desired darkness is achieved.  (This will require a longer soak than commercial dyes.)  dip-easter-egg
  4. Place back in egg carton and store in refrigerator. (Let dry thoroughly before using in an egg hunt.)

Ad-Lib Results…

The turmeric worked well as usual and since I strained it through a paper towel I didn’t even get powder spots this year. The pickled beets worked comparably to “fresh”.   My canned red cabbage experiment resulted in a color more gray than blue (fail) so got re-dyed. Fortunately the black currant jam produced a nice blue which rivaled the usual results from red cabbage. I guess I’ll be looking for black currants next fall.  Here’s to creativity!  

Wishing you a Happy Easter.  

Happy Easter

Happy Easter!

20 thoughts on “Ad-Libbing All Natural Easter Eggs

  1. Angela

    I can’t wait to try out some of your ideas, we love natural egg dyes as well. I really don’t think it is necessary to wait until next year either!

    1. Inger Post author

      What a great idea–colored eggs would be lovely for a Mother’s Day brunch too!

  2. Kathy

    When I was a child my mom used vegetables to dye eggs. I remember the most wonderful colors coming from beets and onion skins. Yours look lovely!

    1. Inger Post author

      What a nice memory. I haven’t used onion skins in a few years–I’ll have to try them again next year (assuming I’m better prepared 😉 )

  3. Juliana

    These are such a pretty color Inger…and I love that you use all natural ingredients…I hope you had a nice Easter.
    Enjoy the rest of your week 🙂

    1. Inger Post author

      You know I have used that for coloring soap. People balk at “a beetle” in your soap, but really seems much better than a lot of chemicals!

    1. Inger Post author

      I hope it brings good memories to everyone someday. My oldest just told me she’d rather have the Easter basket than do the egg hunt. Sigh.

  4. Freeda Baker Nichols

    Happy Easter! The natural Easter eggs look lovely. Sounds like fun. That’s how my oldest sister used to color eggs when she was young. I guess our mother must have helped her. (That was the only way back then) I’ve never seen that done, but she had told me about it.

    1. Inger Post author

      Thanks Erica. Your parsley imprinted eggs are gorgeous. Something to aspire to next year when I’m (hopefully) more organized!

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