Quinoa Stuffed Peppers

With a rich and complex flavor, you won’t miss meat in these vegan Quinoa Stuffed Peppers. So tasty with fresh herbs, plus aromatics like onions, celery and garlic!

Quinoa Roasted Peppers

Do you have Meatless Monday goals you rarely seem to meet?  Or maybe you need to serve meals to both meat lovers and vegans–without overworking yourself?

Well, these Quinoa Stuffed Peppers may be just what you’re looking for! 

And it’s really a lucky accident.  You see I used to make stuffed peppers with meat and rice.  Until one day I subbed in some leftover quinoa I wanted to use up.  As I mixed the ingredients, before adding the meat, I took a taste.  Delicious!  

Did I even need the meat? I asked. Read more

Beer Battered Shrimp

Crunchy, flavorful and fun, Beer Battered Shrimp are delicious as an entrée or appetizer.  Serve alone or with fries, cole slaw and tasty dipping sauces!  Yum!

Beer Battered Shrimp

Is there anything quite as much fun as Beer Battered Shrimp?  With a hint of elegant and a pinch of casual, it’s a dish that can work for so many occasions. 

Game day?  A sure winner!  Friday fish fry?  Count me in!  Just because it’s dinner time?  That’s one of my favorite reasons ever!

And I was impressed with how quickly and easily it comes together.  Even if (like me) you don’t own a deep fryer!  Read more

Apricot or Peach Tart in Puff Pastry (Even Singles)

This simple apricot or peach tart recipe is perfect for making a single tart—or for serving a crowd. Also great with apricots or pears.

Peach Tart

It was quite by accident that I stumbled across the idea of making individual fruit tarts. One bountiful summer, I found myself with an enormous quantity of beautiful fresh apricots–and a package of puff pastry.

It was then the real brilliance of this technique hit–the ability to easily make a single tart. This is possible because a Pepperidge Farm puff pastry sheet can be divided into six tart-sized pieces. Without. Even. Thawing.   Read more

Savory Caramelized Onion Burger

Rich and flavorful, this Caramelized Onion Burger will put your summer grilling over the top.  In a hurry? Pre-make your onions and it will come together in a snap!

Caramelized Onion Burger

This year we bought a new gas grill.  It was inexpensive, but the starter works, the burners light (all of them!) and it gets hot enough for a perfect sear. 

Bring on the burgers and steaks!!

Even better if I can do burgers with a twist–just because variety’s the spice of life!  Stuffed Pizza Burger?  Yup.  Flavorful Chimichurri Burger?  Count me in. 

And how about a savory Caramelized Onion Burger!  Read more
